Monthly Archives: August 2012

Go Here: Palace of Versailles


When I was 19, I passed up the chance to visit this beautiful place so I could spend a free day exploring Paris…which wasn’t a bad thing but in retrospect, I know I missed out! So, the next time I am in Paris, I will definitely be visiting Versailles!

Blue Grotto Travel

I remember the chills I got while walking up to the Palace of Versailles. Located only 20 km southwest of Paris, the rich history and stunning architecture will absolutely blow you away. You could easily spend a day there, seeing all there is to see and learning about the members of royalty that have called Versailles home.  There is rich history in every detail. Even the details of the decor have details. Versailles Palace is a MUST if you ever go anywhere near Paris.

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Lake near the Vineyards of the Central Coast, CA


Our 3rd floor balcony in the Evan’s Home hosted this lovely view each day!

We go this lake each summer & if we’re not staying with friends on their property, we rent this house in Oak Shores. The home sits on Lake Nacimiento which is in the hills around Paso Robles. I recommend visiting Paso Robles & Lake Nacimiento in late July so that you can enjoy the California Mid-State Fair.. There are plenty of wineries to visit, just check this out!

Picturesque Vineyard


View from the window inside the tasting room!

Wild Coyote Winery
I had a great experience wine tasting here. They also have Casitas on sight for rent. The whole place will make you feel like you’ve stepped into New Mexico but make no mistake, this is in Paso Robles, Ca!