Category Archives: Winter

Happy St. Nikolaus Tag!


st_ nick shoesWhere I grew up, December 6th was a BIG deal! It was almost like a day of reckoning for children! That was the day it was made clear whether you were going to have a good Christmas or a bad one! It was a day that clearly marked whether your sins of the past year were remembered, forgotten, or forgiven! In my child’s mind, that is how I saw St. Nikolaus Day!

I remember being nervous all day hoping I did not find twigs, stone, fake candy, or a lump of coal in my shoe! Being one of six kids, it was inevitable that ONE of us might find that!

When I became a parent, I was sure to continue many of my German traditions to my children. All 3 loved the “pre-check” of St. Nick coming. They are now 24, 21, & 14 and guess what? They will be putting their shoes outside tonight with anticipation! I think I would get a stink eye if St. Nick didn’t visit!

Many of my friends with young kids are currently doing the “Elf on the Shelf” to help keep their kids in check before Christmas & build some family traditions along the way. While I think it’s cute, I like that St. Nick is an old world tradition passed down in my family for many generations.